<section id="lastworks">
Creative solutions for web development. Enjoy my latest works!
<section id="portfolio">
I consider myself very lucky, because, among other things, I have turned my passion into my work: design and develop web pages.
<section id="web">
<clara i net>
<fulanita de tal>
<juanfran lopez>
<lamarea.com - climatic change magazine>
<lamarea.com - online newspaper>
<lamarea.com - online shop>
<lamarea.com - oxfam intermón>
<producciones wilmafilms>
<sistema del solar>
<territori d'acció>
<toledo guía turística y cultural>
<viviendo gota a gota>
<section id="skills">
I'm a programmer, web designer and front-end and back-end developer.
<section id="contact">
Contact for questions, requests or just say hello!
I currently live in Lanzarote, although I have also worked many years in Santander, Madrid, Berlin, Alicante and Almansa, my hometown.
The purpose of this site is to show some of my work and give you an idea of what I do and how I can help you.
<span class="getintouch">hello!</span>
<span class="sharethispage">share</span>